Jeremy Gray's Journey

Misdiagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome

Jeremy, an orthopaedic surgeon, now suffers from Cauda Equina Syndrome, following a delay in diagnosis by health professionals. Jeremy talks about the impact that CES has had on his life, his medical career, the support he received and gives advice that may help you.

Michelle Chapman on the News

Misdiagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome

Michelle Chapman, has been left with a severe disability following a failure by A&E to send her for an MRI scan. Watch her talk about her difficulties on the news.


We  are a group of sufferers, health professionals and  legal professionals who have come together to raise awareness of Cauda Equina Syndrome.

Our primary aim is to highlight what to look out for, what questions to ask and what to do to get help, when considering whether you or someone you know may have  Cauda Equina Syndrome .

If you want to be connected with a sufferer, ask some general questions about Cauda Equina Syndrome , or get legal advice, please contact us.

CALL: 0800 952 0010