Read on to hear about the experience of Cauda Equina Syndrome sufferers who have found solace in taking legal guidance and support from other sufferers.

Moosa-Duke Solicitors, a medical negligence law firm, supports the work of Cauda Equina Awareness, and hope that, by being on hand they can provide much needed support, encouragement and advice to CES sufferers and their families looking to take legal action.

They believe in the power of not only raising awareness, to stop negligence occurring, but in connecting CES sufferers with each other, for support and guidance. To read more about seeking legal advice, visit  our LEGAL page.

“Moosa- Duke Solicitors are not just a firm of solicitors; they have really tried to boost awareness and thus prevention of Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) with people and doctors. They are not all talk and have taken action by volunteering for events, raising funds for the charity and promote awareness of the syndrome on their website. I do not think any other firm would do as much as Moosa-Duke Solicitors do for their clients. I have no hesitation in recommending Moosa-Duke Solicitors.”

“Ms Duke recently asked me to come with her to see a lady who had recently been diagnosed with the same condition as me. Ms Duke asked me because she was worried about how distraught the lady, who had just been diagnosed, was. She thought that the lady needed me more than her as a lawyer at this stage.”
( MH – Leicestershire)

“I remember that day in October clearly. Even though I was in terrible pain and had been through an awful time you came with Michelle and ‘threw me a lifeline’. I grabbed your hand and you have held on steadfastly since October 2013. It makes me cry now knowing you had my back and seeing Michelle a survivor was immensely comforting.”

“It scares people seeing you in such pain and you must ask for help and take whatever support you can find when living with a chronic condition like CES”
“Everyone has advice about where I should go and what I should do but at the end of the day you have to be able to face up to what you can and cannot do and work from there to make a new life.“

“Life is worth living, its hard and by no means easy but, take each day as it comes, I can see how far I have come, you will as well, a spinal cord injury is I believe one of the most challenging things a person can go through.”

“I have lived through quite a few of the most difficult things a person can in their lifetime, suicide, drug overdose, fatal accident, terminal illness of my husband and I am of the opinion for what its worth, life will shift and turn but you have to hang on. For brighter future, it may not be the one you planned, but it is still there and yours for the taking. Good Luck! X”
( RM – Yorkshire)

“Moosa-Duke Solicitors has a family feel to it and I felt that my needs as a person were always put before my needs as a client. My CES claim lasted for four years and the staff at Moosa-Duke Solicitors has become an extended family.”
(MC – Leicestershire)

“I am struggling to put into words my gratitude. I hope you know how much I have appreciated all your support, diligent hard work and dedication from start to finish during my rollercoaster ride of my case. I thank you all. You have given me the gift of encouragement and hope during some of my darkest difficult times and you probably were not even aware that you were doing that at the time.”
(A Leicestershire)

“CES has been completely life changing…….. What the MDS team has provided me with is closure.”

“CES will always be a big part of my life, ………….you have given me the opportunity and possibility of building a less stressful, manageable and meaningful future. I know how much you have worked tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome on my behalf and I cannot thank you enough.”

“Due to a delay in diagnosis of my CES, I was left with a residual nerve damage that had a huge impact on mine and my family’s life.
Although no apology or any amount of money could ever compensate what I have and continue to go through, boy did Daniel’s endeavours greatly assist!

“Until you are in a situation such as mine……. you will never be able to fully understand the frustration, disappointment and anger of knowing that with a reasonable level of owed care, the disabilities I am left with would never have occurred. I may not have always made the best decisions in life but choosing Moosa-Duke Solicitors to represent me with my clinical negligence claim must be up there with the best.”

“………………The experience and compassion throughout the case from the beginning to end was of an exceptional standard and exceeded everything I imagined.”

“I would not hesitate recommending Moosa-Duke Solicitors to any of my friends or family members.”

“With Moosa-Duke Solicitors acting, they offer so much more than other firms by being understanding and committed to helping ”

“I found that Moosa-Duke Solicitors always explained everything extremely well; they ensured that I understood everything. The solicitors that were working on my case were upbeat and positive. They explained all the facts clearly and I understood. At each stage of the case, they provided clarification, avoided using legal jargon and ensured that I understood.”

“We have been provided with a highly professional service throughout the case and you and your staff have been friendly and approachable at all times. The outcome of the case has provided us with some much needed financial stability and has lifted a huge worry from us.”


We  are a group of sufferers, health professionals and  legal professionals who have come together to raise awareness of Cauda Equina Syndrome.

Our primary aim is to highlight what to look out for, what questions to ask and what to do to get help, when considering whether you or someone you know may have  Cauda Equina Syndrome .

If you want to be connected with a sufferer, ask some general questions about Cauda Equina Syndrome , or get legal advice, please contact us.

CALL: 0800 952 0010