If you think you may be a victim of medical negligence, read on...

Cauda Equina Syndrome is a rare and lesser known condition. Unfortunately, there are times when the condition is misdiagnosed or diagnosed too late to reverse the damage. Legally, this is known as medical negligence. In these instances, you may be owed compensation for the impact that the condition has had on your life.

Have you or somebody you know suffered from Cauda Equina Syndrome because a healthcare professional (GP, A&E doctor, paramedics)

  • Failed to take a full history?
  • Failed to take/refer you to hospital?
  • Failed to carry out an adequate examination?
  • Failed to recognise the change in symptoms?
  • Failed to recognise or act upon the ‘red flag’ symptoms?
  • Failed or delayed doing an MRI scan?
  • Failed or delayed giving surgery?
  • Or for any other reason?

If so, it may be time to seek legal guidance.

Moosa-Duke Solicitors (MDS) are a niche medical negligence law firm. They are specialists in cases involving Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) and have vast experience in cases where negligence has taken place.

The dedicated MDS team look after their clients sympathetically, and with a personal touch, providing both a professional and compassionate standard of care to clients.

Not only do they work tirelessly and passionately to achieve the best outcomes for their clients, they support them through the ups and downs of a case, from start to finish.

The firm has a track record of succeeding in the most complex CES cases and cases turned down by other lawyers, including at trial. This experience is essential, as CES cases are fought aggressively by Defendants. The compensation they secure for their clients can provide security, enabling them to obtain the right care and support they need for the rest of their life. It additionally gives them greater independence and the prospect of a brighter future.

Moosa-Duke Solicitors support the work of Cauda Equina Awareness, and hope that, by being on hand they can provide much needed support, encouragement and advice to CES sufferers and their families looking to take legal action.

They believe in the power of not only raising awareness, to stop negligence occurring, but in connecting CES sufferers with each other, for support and guidance.

One of their notable success stories is that of Michelle Chapman.  To learn about her experience visit ‘OUR STORY’ page

To read testimonials from CES survivors on their experience of bringing a claim with Moosa-Duke Solicitors, please visit our ‘TESTIMONIALS’ page


If you feel that you, or somebody you know, has a Cauda Equina Syndrome claim and you would like to discuss this with our expert team, please call us on 0800 952 0010 or 0116 254 7456 or email: enquiries@moosaduke.com. You can visit the MDS website at https://moosaduke.com/




We  are a group of sufferers, health professionals and  legal professionals who have come together to raise awareness of Cauda Equina Syndrome.

Our primary aim is to highlight what to look out for, what questions to ask and what to do to get help, when considering whether you or someone you know may have  Cauda Equina Syndrome .

If you want to be connected with a sufferer, ask some general questions about Cauda Equina Syndrome , or get legal advice, please contact us.

CALL: 0800 952 0010