Treatment usually involves surgery for decompression of the nerves. This involves an operation to open up the space surrounding the nerves and relieve pressure. Timing of surgery is crucial. The sooner the surgery is done the better the outcome.

Sometimes however, irreversible damage has already been sustained and in such cases, any delay in surgery will not make a difference. Without treatment CES can leave the patient with a range of severe permanent disabilities.

It can cause lasting pain in the lower back, pain in the legs, pain in the buttocks and between the legs. It can also cause bladder and bowel incontinence and sexual dysfunction. This can be severely detrimental to a patient’s quality of life.


We  are a group of sufferers, health professionals and  legal professionals who have come together to raise awareness of Cauda Equina Syndrome.

Our primary aim is to highlight what to look out for, what questions to ask and what to do to get help, when considering whether you or someone you know may have  Cauda Equina Syndrome .

If you want to be connected with a sufferer, ask some general questions about Cauda Equina Syndrome , or get legal advice, please contact us.

CALL: 0800 952 0010